This is the perfect time for families to adopt a positive attitude to their healthand wellbeing.If parents are confident they are doing all they can to make sure their childrenare safe, well-nourished, play and learn actively and create opportunitieswhich build social and emotional confidence, they can rest assured that theyare doing all they can to lay the path for a happy and positive future.As well as general wellbeing, this handbook will help you to understand whenis the right time to chat to your school nurse, visit a local communitypharmacist, GP or to call NHS 111. Many illnesses can be treated at homewith lots of rest and by using over-the-counter medicines. In the early years,always check with your health visitor if you are worried and as children getolder check with their school nurse.Every parent wants to know what to do if their child is unwell and how torecognise the signs. This guide aims to help you. Trust your instincts, youknow your child best, so if you are worried get further advice.